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Ladies and gentlemen, sometimes miracles happen...

Holymoly! The dog crawled away scared under the couch because of the cheering in our living room. For more than 55 laps I had resigned myself to yet another 'very nice but yet again just not because Mercedes always has the best car season' for Max. And then... Disbelief, joy, pure engine noise from the inside of my body, only two more turns, no, no, it can't be true, or it can or it can or it can.... Yaaaaaaaa! What a release! He's doing it! He's doing it! Un-fucking-believable!

Following that crazy apotheosis, Team Okimono made 'Sometimes Miracles Happen' (new!) Graphic designer Menno Anker came up with 'Max', an ode to absolute top speed, always wanting to be the fastest and the youngest winner of a Formula 1 GP ever. And 'When I Grow Up' by Kars + Boom - a good start is half the work - is also in stock! And as for all t-shirts in stock: 2nd t-shirt only 29,95 euro! For t-shirts in pre-order there's a ten euro discount to make the wait a little easier!

Graphic design Menno Anker
Regular price€42,95
    Graphic design Menno Anker
    Regular price€42,95
      Graphic design Menno Anker
      Regular price€42,95
        Graphic design Menno Anker
        Regular price€42,95€29,95
          Graphic design Kars + Boom
          Regular price€64,95€49,95
            Graphic design Menno Anker
            Regular price€29,95
              Graphic design Kars + Boom
              Regular price€42,95€29,95
                Graphic design Menno Anker
                Regular price€29,95€24,95

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